Sunday, June 1, 2008

tent trailer rentals in southern california - camping and hiking 101

Camping is correlated with sports like hunting, tracking, trailing, hiking, fishing and it has also been used centuries ago by warring troops and tribes. There is nothing like enjoying the outdoors like a good old camper.

Many of our greatest thinkers believed in the power of nature as well. The type and size of tent you need to carry will depend upon the number of people who plan to sleep in it as well as the climatic conditions. Once you determine where to go, plan on packing all the essentials so your experience is rewarding and safe.

For these pursuits, you will need a survival knife or a folding pocket knife. While hiking and climbing, a pro is used much like in traditional climbing but the protective devices used in ice climbing take on a different aspect. Dressing warmly is obviously a major issue.

The bottom line is that the view is never as good as it is when you hike to the top of the mountain. Of course, regular bicycle rides are also a fast way to boost your aerobic capacity. During fire-hazard periods and dry seasons, use portable stoves rather than campfires.

When winter camping make sure to bring food that may be eaten without heating up. Get out there and try it!

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